Thursday, May 19, 2005

Vital questions

Like all people of sound mind, I am quite excited by this. And if my some chance you've never read Calvin and Hobbes, or only did so on a desultory basis, jesus CHRIST I'm jealous of you. What are you waiting for? Go ahead and preorder it already. You can get a big discount at amazon.

However, questions linger. Questions like: will this collection include the exclusive stories that Watterson wrote for the four books of previously-anthologized comics (the Esential, Authoritative, and Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes, and The Lazy Sunday Book?). Will it include the little strip-length splash panels that were added to the regular collections here and there? The color cover art for these books? The miscellaneous picture placed at the beginnings and ends? These things are important. To me. The point is, large portions of my childhood were shaped by Calvin and Hobbes, and if this is meant to be the absolute LAST WORD on the subject, I want it to be absolutely *perfect.* Watterson was never one to do things halfway; let's hope that that is apparent here.


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